This text had displayed w/out any bottom margin from the image block above. Solution? Paragraphs have to be in a container or use one of GB’s paragraph blocks that Kyle used.
NONE: brings it within the LM/RM.
WIDE-WIDTH doesn’t seem to work in this layout.
Clicking on settings at right for Post featured image allows Cover, Fill, Contain options, color overlay, opacity and most importantly HEIGHT OR WIDTH. COULD DO THIS IN A MEASUREMENT OTHER THAN PX.
POST-FEATURED IMAGE above TESTED w FULL-WIDTH (extend outside of the left side padding to the browser edge, interesting effect.
This text displays w/out any bottom margin from the image block above. Solution? Paragraphs have to be in a container or use one of GB’s paragraph blocks that Kyle used.
This blocks appears outside of the 2 paragraphs above. Yes?